
May You Have New Hopes, Aspirations & Goals for the New Year.

Girl’s Night Out Remix

What an exciting way to end our year with Beyond the Curves. . .


What an exciting year for Beyond the Curves! And, what an awesome group of ladies to end our year with.

On Saturday, December 12, 2015… we had 15 women gathered for FUN (some shown above in photo), LAUGHTER AND TOGETHERNESS! And, I think we certainly accomplished that.

We had a great Girl Chat session with Ms. Victoria Curry, great laughs, good eats and everyone completed their own Vision Board.

Often times we say; “New Year, New Me” but in order to actually make your new year a success you have to plan for your success. In order to have this success that you wish for, you have to put in work!

An AMAZING TIME, with some amazing women and I can’t wait for us to gather again!


Enjoy the abundant life you so much deserve.

Thanks for reading!

Ms. Tammy
💋 💪 👣 💖

Follow me all things Social Media
Facebook: Tammy Mullings
Beyond the Curves
IG: beyondthecurves
Twitter: mssassydiva7
Periscope: mssassydiva7

Happy One Year Anniversary to Beyond the Curves


The photo shoot to start it all and, we have all changed so much within this year. In a good way!


Bowling Madness Fundraiser at SpareZ was GREAT!!! A FUN evening for the guys & gals to come out and socialize together. Eat, drink and a good olé time.


Our 1st Women’s Empowerment Conference, turned out great. Those that were there, we’re supposed to be there! In 2016, I am not worrying about QUANTITY anymore… I will certainly focus on QUALITY!


I wanted to step outside of the box and try YoGa for the first time ever. So, I thought it would be great to share with the community. I would love to see Body Positivity Yoga grow in 2016. Our awesome instructor Yogini Monica of S.W.E.E.T Eden has a lot to offer. Classes are ONLY $10 per session. Will resume next year.


Girl’s Night Out was amazing! We had 12 ladies attend. There were yummy bites, refreshing natural juices, wine, sweet treats and massages. And, we also had great Girl Chat with Coach Cass and makeup tips and tricks with Gabs the Fab.
We had such a great time, that I decided to close out 2015 with Girl’s Night Out Remix! December 12th, please go to our Facebook page Beyond the Curves for details and entry details. You DON’T want to miss it.

I want to thank every VENDOR, SPONSOR, PARTICIPANT and SUPPORTER for ROCKING with ME on this journey and the birth of Beyond the Curves!

Thanks for reading!

Ms. Tammy
💋 💪 👣 💖

Follow me all things Social Media
Facebook: Tammy Mullings
Beyond the Curves
IG: beyondthecurves
Twitter: mssassydiva7
Periscope: mssassydiva


Trying new things. #testimonialtuesday with @beyondthecurves and we know that you have a story to share. Here’s a little of mine:
In 2014  was released from my job of 6+ years. I hadn’t not worked in so many years, always had employment and as I got older helped my Mom with the responsibilities of our home. Well, now I’m jobless…. with 3 weeks pay, fear, hurt and not knowing what I was going to do once the money ran out. Well, I got myself together and began to have contractions after be pregnant.

In January I gave birth to @beyondthecurves and started working a part-time job at home for another comoany (don’t ever want to go back into a building, unless on MY TERMS).

So, here I am today! Still standing! Was it easy, HELL NO! Did I want to throw in the towel, HELL YES! But, with much prayer and some amazing support…. I am here today and I’m about to expand Beyond the Curves in 2016 to include teens.

No matter what you are going through, sometimes we HAVE TO ENCOURAGE OURSELVES! FIGHT LIKE HELL and NEVER GIVE UP! Everything you are going through is for a reason…

What’s your story? Body shaming? Weight loss journey? Finances? Share Below in the comment section, let’s inspire someone today! 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇

Thanks for reading!

Ms. Tammy
💋 💪 👣 💖

Follow me all things Social Media
Facebook: Tammy Mullings
Beyond the Curves
IG: beyondthecurves
Twitter: mssassydiva7
Periscope: mssassydiva

Next to Represent Our Brand


Check out @beyonddacurves’s Tweet: https://twitter.com/beyonddacurves/status/659568540505219072?s=09

More information will be forthcoming.
Get ready, January is the month.

Thanks for reading!
Ms. Tammy
💋 💪 👣 💖

Follow me all things Social Media
Facebook: Tammy Mullings
Beyond the Curves
IG: beyondthecurves
Twitter: mssassydiva7
Periscope: mssassydiva


I can’t thank my supporters enough. I appreciate each and everyone of you! Putting your personal life out for everyone to see, can be hard to do. Please continue to support and share my journey with others! And, I hope and pray that I can inspire someone during my #GetFit Journey.

Be sure to follow me on Periscope: mssassydiva7  and Facebook & IG: beyondthcurves (my non-profit)

thank you!

How to Empower Yourself!



 make (someone) stronger and more confident, especially in controlling their life and claiming their rights.
         synonyms:                         emancipate, unshackle, set-free, liberate
No one is born feeling self-empowered. Confidence is learned. EVERYONE has fears and insecurities. But, some create a confident façade.
You CAN empower yourself, with patience and determination. It can take a while but you can start today to inch your way to becoming self-empowered and break any People Pleasing Habits you might have.
  1. Repeat Affirmations: Affirm that you can do what you want, repeatedly, until it sticks. When you have an important meeting to attend or phone call to make, before you leave or call repeat, “I know what I’m doing.” or “I will make a great impression” or “It will all work out for me.” The more you say an affirmation, the more it will sink in and become true for you. Repeat a positive one until you believe it! Create your own affirmation.
  2. Build Self-Appreciation: Self-esteem that’s based on external achievements doesn’t last! Take inventory of your good qualities and allow those to shine bright. Often what you hate blinds you to your great attributes. Become aware of yours by looking for them (ask loved ones for suggestions) and writing them down just to impress yourself.
  3. No One is Perfect: Accept that no one, including you, is perfect or completely secure. Stop holding yourself to higher standards than others. Striving to be perfect disempowers you. If you wait for perfection to feel good about yourself it will never happen. Since perfection is impossible, you’ll always be going after it and feeling low for not getting it. REPEAT THIS AND REMEMBER IT: “I accept myself for my imperfections.” Embrace yourself for who you are and if you’re battling with your body images, remember that; “I’m More Than My Curves”.
  4. Take Responsibility: Take responsibility for your thoughts. It’s YOUR choice to accept criticism from others as YOUR perception of who you are. Allowing criticism from others to take over your thoughts always reflects in your behavior. You can either let the criticism consume your life or ignore the damn thang!

    Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

  5. Kindness: Always consciously kinder to YOU! The more you do for you, the better you’ll feel. With each act of kindness, the better you will make yourself feel. It helps you focus on you and believe that you deserve good. Give yourself a break when you’re tired. Take a nap! Take a bubble bath! Get a massage! Buy that pair of shoes you’ve wanted, or that dress you saw in Macy’s. Self-kindness will blossom into self-love from which self-empowerment will grow. You deserve to be treated with kindness!
  6. Good Posture: That’s easy to fake! Standing tall is a great habit. Straightening your stance feels better physically. I initially developed good posture while working out at the gym and while walking to avoid pains and any discomfort. And, I felt more confident by standing tall, arching my shoulders and holding my head high. Your stance (swag & ‘tude) makes a statement. Set the tone for the people’s perception of you. Good Posture makes you look and feel more powerful!

    Helen Keller said, “Never bend your head. Hold it high. Look the world straight in the eye.”

  7. Pep Talks: Give them to yourself! Affirm in a mirror that you’re ENOUGH. Recite your best qualities to yourself. Support YOU as you would support others. When you have doubt, repeat “You can do it” until you calm down.
    Tell yourself how awesome you are. It’s always best to take a positive approach.
  8. Stop Negative Self-Talk: Stop that “I can’t lose weight,” “People won’t listen to what I have to day,” “they won’t support my Scopes,” etc. Send those negative affirmations straight to hell. Pay attention to the self-defeating thoughts you have. Try being POSITIVE ALWAYS! It makes a huge difference in your spirit.
    Talk to yourself like you would to your best friend, not someone you don’t like.
  9. Support: Create an awesome support circle. Partner with someone who’s also trying to improve. Talk daily and make one another accountable. Call when you’re having a bad day. We benefit from helping one another. Be open to unwarranted pep talks and advice or self help.
  10. Let Go: Rid yourself of negative people. We absorb other people’s negativity. Avoid toxic people! If you must keep one in your life, limit the time you spend with them.

ALWAYS Speak with Conviction!

Remember, always EMPOWER YOURSELF FIRST! Otherwise, you won’t be able to help or empower others.

We Are More Than Our Curves

Thanks for reading!
Ms. Tammy
💋 💪 👣 💖

Follow My Social Media
Facebook: Tammy Mullings
Facebook: beyondthecurves
Twitter: mssassydiva7
Periscope: mssassydiva

Motivational #QOD5

There are many definitions of KINDNESS in the dictionary, but it all leads back to the same definition. Let’s all start with kindness towards one another.


ˈkīn(d)nəs/ (noun)
the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.
synonyms: kindliness, kindheartedness, warmheartedness, affection, warmth,gentleness, concern, care

@beyondthecurves (1)

Thanks for reading!

Ms. Tammy 💋 💪 👣 💖

Follow My Social Media
Facebook: Tammy Mullings
IG: beyondthecurves
Twitter: mssassydiva7
Periscope: mssassydiva

Empowering Other Women


Women’s Empowerment starts with how we TREAT other women.

I found this quote after doing some research and reading; “There’s a special place in hell for women that don’t help other women.” – Madeleine Albright


Yes, we have International Women’s DAY in March every year. But, we need to support, empower, support and love each other EVERYDAY!

“The empowered woman is powerful beyond measure and beautiful beyond description.”
– Steve Maraboli

Well, I wanted to share 11 Ways to Empower Other Women

  1. Empower Yourself: The first step to empowering others is to strive to empower yourself. I once read an article with the words, “get what you need so you can help others get what they need”, I agree 1000%.
  2. Value Diversity and Advocate Cultural Understanding: Learning to respect the differences between us; we build understanding of one another.
  3. Accept ALL Women: Regardless of body type, your religion, sexual preference, or even fashion sense, we are all women and we all need to stick together. You are not just empowering the women like you. You should be empowering all women to follow their dreams, no matter what their dreams are.
  4. Start At An Early Age: We have to instill a sense of empowerment in your daughters, nieces, cousins, god daughters, granddaughters, etc. Let them know early on that they can do anything they set their minds to. Having these qualities instilled in our daughters can help us create a new generation of women who will stop at nothing to achieve their dreams.
  5. Speak UP & BE HEARD: This is the number one thing to do out of all of the ways to empower women. If you see a woman who is being mistreated, say something! Don’t let these things just pass by. Every time that a woman is belittled, it impacts each and every one of us. By saying something, you are letting the world know that empowering women is a not something to be taken lightly.
  6. Become a Mentor: We all have heard of organizations like, Big Brothers Big Sisters, where a professional can mentor a young child. Girl Scouts. You can even form your own group. Well, as women, we can also be mentors to other women. Are you a woman who runs a successful business? Why not share with a woman, who is in the start-up phase, your experiences and advice. Are you a well-established blogger? Why not offer to teach a new blogger the ways of social media. Of course, mentor means supporting another for free. So, if you do offer to mentor someone; do not expect anything more than appreciation in return.
  7. Celebrate Women’s Achievements: I cringe when a woman has accomplished something and those around react in one of two ways: 1) speak negative about the woman or 2) ignore it.  An example of is like this: A woman receives an award for something she accomplished and instead of focusing on what she did great, everyone talks about her weight, her lifestyle, her shoes. . . you get the what I’m saying? It is even more shameful when those who are the loudest are other women. We need to learn to celebrate and focus on one another’s achievements without tearing down each other because of personal opinion. Hey, truth told, you do not have to like someone to congratulate them, walk away and say no more.
  8. Compliment Each Other (IT’S OK!): Going along with watching what we say, take the time to compliment those around you. Women feel way more empowered when they have more confidence. That little boost of confidence you get when you receive a compliment might be just what you need to feel more confident. When we raise each other up, we are empowering each other to reach our full potential.
  9. Invest in Women Businesses: Another great thing about supporting women business owners; many are mothers who are the sole providers for their children.
  10. Be SUPPORTIVE: Sometimes, being supportive requires nothing more than being there. Being a shoulder to lean on when a friend is down, listening to your daughter’s problem (though which nail polish to wear is far from a life changing moment), and calling your cousin to see how her new job is going.
  11. Spread Encouragement: Something as easy as a friendly smile. Actually, it is more like a verbal smile. When you meet a woman, who for example is a police officer, firefighter or military personnel, why not tell her you appreciate the work she does. Or as a business owner tell an employee what a good job she is doing — or even another business owner.

“A girl should be two things: who and what she wants.”
― Coco Chanel

Thank you for reading!


Ms. Tammy 💋 💪 👣 💖

My Social Media
Facebook : Tammy Mullings
IG & Facebook: beyondthecurves
Twitter & Periscope: mssassydiva7

New Season, New Changes, New Opportunities!


Autumn is upon us and for most of the world you will notice small changes happening around us.
Well, being from South Florida you won’t really see those changes. But, it doesn’t mean that there isn’t a newness upon us.

I say that to say… when you are on your life journey or you are working towards a goal; DON’T GIVE UP because you don’t see any changes. You just have to stay the course.
During my #GetFit Life Journey, I have encountered many road blocks and temptations along the way. But, this is something that I have to and want to do and I refuse to LOSE!

So what are you going to do in your HARVEST TIME?



Thank you for reaching!
Ms. Tammy 💋 💪 👣 💖

Twitter: mssassydiva7
Periscope: mssassydiva
IG: beyondthecurves
Facebook: beyondthecurves