Yummy Meals to Try

As promised from yesterday, here are a few dishes that I have prepared on last week. My bean chili was a HIT with everyone!
I don’t have many pictures because I just decided that I would share my fast with my readers.

Wild Salmon, Spinach and Brown Rice & Beans

5 Bean Chili

Broiled Cod and Fresh Vegetable Medley


Avacodo, Fresh Mixed Salad and Veggie Burger


Thank you all for reading!

Ms. Tammy
💋 💪 👣 💖

How to Empower Yourself!



 make (someone) stronger and more confident, especially in controlling their life and claiming their rights.
         synonyms:                         emancipate, unshackle, set-free, liberate
No one is born feeling self-empowered. Confidence is learned. EVERYONE has fears and insecurities. But, some create a confident façade.
You CAN empower yourself, with patience and determination. It can take a while but you can start today to inch your way to becoming self-empowered and break any People Pleasing Habits you might have.
  1. Repeat Affirmations: Affirm that you can do what you want, repeatedly, until it sticks. When you have an important meeting to attend or phone call to make, before you leave or call repeat, “I know what I’m doing.” or “I will make a great impression” or “It will all work out for me.” The more you say an affirmation, the more it will sink in and become true for you. Repeat a positive one until you believe it! Create your own affirmation.
  2. Build Self-Appreciation: Self-esteem that’s based on external achievements doesn’t last! Take inventory of your good qualities and allow those to shine bright. Often what you hate blinds you to your great attributes. Become aware of yours by looking for them (ask loved ones for suggestions) and writing them down just to impress yourself.
  3. No One is Perfect: Accept that no one, including you, is perfect or completely secure. Stop holding yourself to higher standards than others. Striving to be perfect disempowers you. If you wait for perfection to feel good about yourself it will never happen. Since perfection is impossible, you’ll always be going after it and feeling low for not getting it. REPEAT THIS AND REMEMBER IT: “I accept myself for my imperfections.” Embrace yourself for who you are and if you’re battling with your body images, remember that; “I’m More Than My Curves”.
  4. Take Responsibility: Take responsibility for your thoughts. It’s YOUR choice to accept criticism from others as YOUR perception of who you are. Allowing criticism from others to take over your thoughts always reflects in your behavior. You can either let the criticism consume your life or ignore the damn thang!

    Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

  5. Kindness: Always consciously kinder to YOU! The more you do for you, the better you’ll feel. With each act of kindness, the better you will make yourself feel. It helps you focus on you and believe that you deserve good. Give yourself a break when you’re tired. Take a nap! Take a bubble bath! Get a massage! Buy that pair of shoes you’ve wanted, or that dress you saw in Macy’s. Self-kindness will blossom into self-love from which self-empowerment will grow. You deserve to be treated with kindness!
  6. Good Posture: That’s easy to fake! Standing tall is a great habit. Straightening your stance feels better physically. I initially developed good posture while working out at the gym and while walking to avoid pains and any discomfort. And, I felt more confident by standing tall, arching my shoulders and holding my head high. Your stance (swag & ‘tude) makes a statement. Set the tone for the people’s perception of you. Good Posture makes you look and feel more powerful!

    Helen Keller said, “Never bend your head. Hold it high. Look the world straight in the eye.”

  7. Pep Talks: Give them to yourself! Affirm in a mirror that you’re ENOUGH. Recite your best qualities to yourself. Support YOU as you would support others. When you have doubt, repeat “You can do it” until you calm down.
    Tell yourself how awesome you are. It’s always best to take a positive approach.
  8. Stop Negative Self-Talk: Stop that “I can’t lose weight,” “People won’t listen to what I have to day,” “they won’t support my Scopes,” etc. Send those negative affirmations straight to hell. Pay attention to the self-defeating thoughts you have. Try being POSITIVE ALWAYS! It makes a huge difference in your spirit.
    Talk to yourself like you would to your best friend, not someone you don’t like.
  9. Support: Create an awesome support circle. Partner with someone who’s also trying to improve. Talk daily and make one another accountable. Call when you’re having a bad day. We benefit from helping one another. Be open to unwarranted pep talks and advice or self help.
  10. Let Go: Rid yourself of negative people. We absorb other people’s negativity. Avoid toxic people! If you must keep one in your life, limit the time you spend with them.

ALWAYS Speak with Conviction!

Remember, always EMPOWER YOURSELF FIRST! Otherwise, you won’t be able to help or empower others.

We Are More Than Our Curves

Thanks for reading!
Ms. Tammy
💋 💪 👣 💖

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Facebook: Tammy Mullings
Facebook: beyondthecurves
Twitter: mssassydiva7
Periscope: mssassydiva

New Season, New Changes, New Opportunities!


Autumn is upon us and for most of the world you will notice small changes happening around us.
Well, being from South Florida you won’t really see those changes. But, it doesn’t mean that there isn’t a newness upon us.

I say that to say… when you are on your life journey or you are working towards a goal; DON’T GIVE UP because you don’t see any changes. You just have to stay the course.
During my #GetFit Life Journey, I have encountered many road blocks and temptations along the way. But, this is something that I have to and want to do and I refuse to LOSE!

So what are you going to do in your HARVEST TIME?



Thank you for reaching!
Ms. Tammy 💋 💪 👣 💖

Twitter: mssassydiva7
Periscope: mssassydiva
IG: beyondthecurves
Facebook: beyondthecurves

Motivational #QOD2

Be honest with yourself about how much effort you’re putting in. You can’t expect the best results if you know your not putting forth your best effort.

scope2 - Fitness-Is-Like-Marriage

As you continue your day, please be ENCOURAGED and INSPIRED to be GREAT!!!

Thank you for reading!

Ms. Tammy 💋 💪 👣 💖

My #GetFit Journey Continues

Hello Dolls & Gents!!!

As, I continue my #GetFit journey… I try to mix up things and not get bored. Since, I am easily bored I try to do something new everyday.

So, I have been walking and I am making great strides to increase my distance and keep up a steady pace. So, in an effort to shake things up… I ordered a jump rope two weeks ago and I broke it out yesterday. IT WAS HILARIOUS! And, considering that I have jumped rope since God knows how long. LOL 🙂

Well, with my Mom behind the camera and my determination — I just went for it. I will be getting back on the rope later this week. Just have to be easy on your joints when doing rigorous exercises.

Well, here’s a little clip of me in action on yesterday!!!

Watch ME Jump Rope 🙂

The Journey of a Foodie

I love food and since I have started on my #GetFit journey, I wanted to try new things and try to incorporate them in my day to day eating habits.

About 2 months ago, I tried chik patties and it was actually good. I prefer them in the oven, although if you don’t have much time you can put them in the microwave (I personally don’t care to do it that way).

Morning Star Chik Patties Original

So, this is what I had for lunch today and I paired it with avocado and drizzled a little of my avocado cilantro dressing on it and it was YUMMY! 🙂

It’s important to eat for a BETTER YOU and it’s very exciting to try new things! And, it doesn’t hurt to try something once and if you don’t like it– you don’t have to get it again…just to try it out and if you like it.

So, during your weekly shopping… pickup something NEW and give it a try! You might be surprised and actually like it!!! I’m still on my journey and I am going to make this fun and exciting. Two years ago, I would have never picked up anything that veggie based or even give up pork, but I did.

Happy Eating and thank you for reading!

Ms. Tammy

Jut being ME!!!
Jut being ME!!!